Your Questions Answered
Is my donation tax deductible

Little Wings is a charitable non-profit organization exempt from tax as a 501c3 organization.
Where does the money go

There are no overhead costs at Little Wings. The website was created by way of funds from the founder, and all legal advice has been sponsored in the same way. We research the organizations we give to on sites like That helps us to ensure a majority of the money we give them goes to the ones in need. We choose charities that also try to keep costs to a minimum. One example is the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. 90.1% of each dollar given to their cause makes its way directly to the campers.
How many charities does Little Wings give to

We currently give to a handful of non-profits working on issues like education, children's health, international outreach, and terminal diseases. We are constantly getting involved with new charities, and we ask our donors to introduce us to charities or causes that they would like us to consider and research.
Can I earmark my donation

Absolutely. When you donate, let us know your preference either online or in the memo section of your check. We will make sure your donation is directed to specific charities on our list or of your choosing.